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Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Fantômes, vampires, sorcières, loups-garous, zoombies et toutes les genres de monstres typiques d'Halloween... Je jamais ne pensais d'être si impliqué dans cette culture!

C'est beau... les enfants (et même les adultes!) se déguisent, puis les gamins cherchent des bonbons, plusieurs histoires d'horreur sont racontés, les maisons et les rues sont fortement décorées pour cette occasion. De plus, c'est le meilleur party de l'année! Le plus trippant!

En étant à l'Amérique du Nord, c'est impossible ne pas s'engager! C'est comme aller au Brésil et ne pas y célébrer le carnaval! En outre, pour eux, c'est vraiment comme ça: leur carnaval!



Par contre, je comprends les gens là-bas qui s'opposent à ces festivités qui ne nous appartiennent pas. Je suis d'accord: sauf les écoles d'anglais ou de la culture anglaise, je ne crois pas qu'on doive les fêter avidement alors que certaines traditions brésiliennes, plus significatives à nous, sont mises de côté pour commémorer la réjouissance des autres.

Dans ce contexte, au pays du soccer:

Salut au Saci Pererê et à Mula Sem Cabeça! Vive le folklore nationale!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Chuis éblouie pour la possibilité d'avoir une!

Petite et dorée. La mienne; LA NÔTRE, enfin. 

Mesant que j'ai hâte...

Sunday, 28 October 2012


To celebrate 'All Hallows Evening' in high-profile, I chose to embody a Mexican Death. Heavy make-up, flowers on hair... Cool! It worked perfectly.

Inspired by Latin traditions, it was the best option, a bang costume. Furthermore, commemorate the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) is something more similar to my culture than the North American Halloween by itself.

By the way, our Finados, is also on 2th November.


*Well, with the talent (puis les beaux arts) of my husband, AT LEAST we tried...

Friday, 26 October 2012

mettre le cap au sud

Laisser faire, se faire laisser, ou laisser - lui, nous... la ville, le pays (la planète, si possible!)?

À chacun, son destin.

Pour le bonheur des autres, d'une façon ou d'une autre.

Moi, j'ai déjà choisi: le mien. Au revoir!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

what do you fear?

Before, she said be scared of Lula's victory in 2002 Brazilian presidential election. Her call,  this cut rate appeal in José Serra's political advertising didn't work indeed. Then, in 2009, Regina Duarte keeps the same cheap speech; at that time, against Indigenous People.

According the Centro de Estudo Ambientais, she is a farmer in Mato grosso do Sul. Considering that, her behaviour really does't surprise me. Both agricultural estate owner and neo-liberal, of the right... It would be comical if it wasn't tragic! One way or the other, a unfortunate philosophy of life.

Being anti demarcations, besides appropriates lands which used to belong to Indians... I'd suggest that this (not correct - in the bargain!) Ma'am lost good oportunities to remain silent on issues concerning politics.

During a delicate periode like the current, I hope she doesn't dramatize again (with or without "monsters" under her bed).This has been the joke of the year (for 10 years!).


Ça va (encore) chier solide!

Encore sur des craintes... 

M. Gilles Vaillancourt, le maire de la ville de Laval, prend du repos sous prétexte de problèmes de santé. Histoire de ne pas avoir un coeur assez impavide pour affronter toutes les accusations qui le concernent. 

Comme lui, beaucoup d'autres politiciens doivent être si inquiets pour être dans la merde jusqu'au cou!  Gérald Tremblay, le mairie de Montréal, peut également bien le dire...

C'est la Commission Charbonneau faisant chier! Tout un scandale sur des systèmes corruption éclatant au Québec.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

l'automne est bon pour moi

La phrase est du livre de Mara Tremblay que je suis en train de lire, 'Mon amoureux est une maison d'automne'. Un beau cadeau que j'ai reçu de chers amis.
C'est vrai: ce période me fait rêver... Travail, famille, voyages, rencontres, maison, minou, pitou, bébé, enfants. L'avenir de la vie.
Tout ça va arriver, mais chacun à la fois, au bon moment. Comme il faut.

Pour une autre saison...

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


More than words... A tragedy in Brazil!

Firstly, it was the colonizers - Portugueses and Spanishs. Then, Catholic church. Later, farmers and cattlemen-landowners (well, leaseholders... inasmuch they took possession of wide territories which before belonged to Indians), passing for young bourgeois criminals who lit native people on fire alive (supposing be dealing with a indigent - honestly, a ridiculous excuse!). Finally, both government and police... All accomplices to native Brazilian indians extinction.

Well, their enemies are many. Indirectly, they are even more copious... society, included! - after all, silence implies consent. Nevertheless, a huge repercussion took place on social networking
in the last days. Even though just online (and so late!)... It's something!

Tired of fighting for the right of living in their own land, the entire Brazilian tribe Guarani-kaiowa (a community of 50 men, 50 women and 70 children) decided to commit mass suicide. It's pitful and regrettable the incompetence of  Stade towards their cause.

A genocide has happened since the discovery - many murders, besides living waiver, from Indians. It's not difficult to understand their intends once we give their concept of live its rightful relevance. Thus, we will understand all complexity and difficulty of their Teko Porã (welfare) nowadays. Furthermore, grasping their reasons, we'll learn more about word, the true and soul based on it (for them, Ñe'ẽ - soul word; for us, something worthless, once we are used to not keep promises). 

So, considering their letter announcing their extermination, we must not wait another thing by them - unless Brazilian powers don't let the worst achieve... Hellooooo! Somebody there?!

Sincerely, for me (from the bottom of my heart), the life of these 170 persons is more significative and also important than the ones of our 531 federal deputies or even of the hundreds owners of farms located in Mato Grosso do Sul. Or all them together!

Read more about Indigenous Peoples in Brazil,  and the threat

(an integral text, in Portuguese, here)


To get to know some related noted cases:

Saturday, 20 October 2012

good sportsmanship

For who learned how to play cards before writing, amuse myself by games it's not a novelty.

Nevertheless, it's ALWAYS a good experience! - between friends, couples, in family, with own children, or other kids.

I like competition, use track logically,
improve performances, share knowledge, help people in order to enjoy the moment together.

The die is cast... Good luck!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

il sogno

(malgrado la realtà)

Però, un giorno, loro si incontrarono per via...

La Casa
Vinicius de Moraes, Sergio Bardotti e Sergio Endrigo 

Era una casa molto carina,
senza soffitto, senza cucina.
Non si poteva entrarci dentro
perché non c'era il pavimento.

Non si poteva andare a letto,
in quella casa non c'era il tetto.
Non si poteva fare pipì
perché non c'era vasino lì.

Ma era bella, bella davvero,
in Via dei Matti, numero zero.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Nothing is worse, before waking up...

Earlier than realize it was only a bad dream, though, evil feelings pervade.

What you both fear and avoid the most? 

Just pray not to become true. 

On top of that, keep the eyes open. It may be a sign...

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

de la culture, n'importe où

18h30 d'un jour de semaine... Il fait tout temps chaud dans le métro.

Il n'y avait pas du monde dans le vagon, seulement 18 personnes.

Une lisait le journal (pas les gratuits), une autre était à feuilleter une revue, et une troisième regardait attentivement un prospectus.

Deux autres écoutaient de la musique sur ses ipods, pendant deux autres jouaient sur ses mobiles (ou checkaient des messages...).

Cependant, ce qui a retenu mon attention, c'était le fait que huit passagers lisaiet des livres... parmi lesquels, plusieus appartenaient à la Grande Biliothèque! (son tampon est tellement apparent qu'il est impossible de ne pas remarquer!)

Les trois dernières ne regardait rien - peut-être les fenêtres, en attendant qui le temps passait vite... C'est pas fou, ça arrive.

La majorité des gens, donc, avait le savoir sur les mains durant le voyage! C'est bien.

J'aime ça d'ici, cette culture. 

Des livres, ils nous apportent où bon nous semble. N'importe où.

Monday, 15 October 2012

a gift

It is fairly certain this!

I would like to be one... a model.

On the top of thank all them who transform me (at different levels) in the person I am, not a ordinary one. I became a better me because of them, their lessons I followed.

In the same way, I would like to show people another window of life. Apart from helping them to identify the landscape they see, of course.

Happy Teacher's Day for all!


my contribution
I haven't had kid or adopted one yet, or even planted a tree. Nevertheless, nowadays, in my current situation, in my limited universe (but, at the same time wide due to the knowledge), I can help children by reading.

Thus, I finish this post with a Mário Quintana (my favorite poet) quote, which resumes the issue:

“Books don’t change the world. People change the world. Books only change people.”  
The secret for a better world, and future.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

une autre vie

Sans toi, plus froide, trop triste. J'y crois fort!

Parfois, je me demande comment il serait si on ne se serait pas rencontré...

Heureusement, nous ne nous sommes pas laissés au hasard!!

C'est bien, car, après tout, on voulait être ensemble. Tant mieux.

Les amoureux... si chanceux! 

(Six mois depuis le mariage déjà...

Saturday, 13 October 2012


Stop the habit of biting fingernails... 

A proof of love! 

(mainly the self one) 

It's a matter of vanity and pride, a sign of prosperity.

With zip, pluck, pretty claws!

Friday, 12 October 2012

children's day!

(today, in Brazil*. For me, as well, independently of the current commercial approach)

I take the opportunity to put in debate this vast matter: kids. Let's see...

To think list:

- if we are giving suitable attention to them;
- which education they are receiving?;
- are them reading enough?;
- which kind of model we are for them?;
- should we give them more gifts or affection?
- what kind of world they are inheriting;
- are them playing enough outside, socializing with other children?
- TV isn't babysitter: doesn't replace parents, besides not being a substitute of school. The content their receive from it may influence their lives;
- internet may be very dangerous, a no limit field,
if with no supervision;
- typing makes children write worse, in the same way chat acronyms and text message shorthands;

- which are their worries, goals, priorities, fears, values nowadays;
- definition of school and parents roles in their education;
- are we raising them for what, for which kind of future?
- if we are obligating them to mature earlier;
- freedom bring them maturity;
- sex issues must be discussed;
- violence beget disrespect/ gentleness generates gentleness;
- a natural childbirth is always better then a cesarean section procedure;
- breastfeed is the best nourishment a mother can give to her children until six months, minimum;
- have them not to be involved... it would be better have thought about that before!
- all they need is love (actually, everyone...) 

Many points! Not evident answers, though...



While enumerating, I was wondering myself about be a mommy... Oh, God, it is a HUGE responsibility! 

What both difficult and complex it might be! Nevertheless, I'm pretty convinced that it is a challenge which worths!

It's an experience like no other.


*In Canada, they celebrate on 20th November. Check other countries dates and costums out here.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

not that much smooth

To whom has thought Canada (in detail, Quebec) was a tranquil and serene place to live, I listed briefly some events I witnessed, which prove that it REALLY rocks in different aspects - for good or ill:

Hurricane Irene passed by here in August 2011;
Occupy Montreal resisted at Square Victoria more than a month last year;
Le Printemps Érable, how they call the period of students protests in Quebec this year, caused! Red squares, Bill 78, confrontations, violence... even the possibility of Montreal Grand Prix cancellation. Lastly, the inevitable happened: elections! People voted massively. Then, their Prime Minister was replaced as a democratical consequence of his own (unsatisfactory) administration. Without a doubt, a remarkable triumphe;

We watched live on 4th September night: Pauline Marois, the new Quebec Prime Minister, was abruptly dragged off stage during her victory speech (in which she was calling for unity). A man opened fire into the Metropolis, where she was speaking. This attack brought out "past" issues of sovereignty, once the felon was arrested claiming "The anglos are waking up". The shooting left one victim dead and a second in critical condition. At the theatre where tragedy happened; a benefit concert with local stars (as Celine Dion and Arcade Fire, among others) was offered for the daughter of Denis Blanchette (murdered). Donations were also collected for Dave Courage, the other man hit by the same bullet.

Charbonneau Commission scandalizes with strong allegations of illegal financing between Quebec Liberal Party and (Italian) Mafia.
Due to revelations of his implication, Montreal citizens ask their mayor, Gérald Tremblay, to resign immediately;

Another season off: NHL lockout desapoints hockey supporters this year. If some kind of soccer strike occurs in Brazil, I'm sure it would give rise to a huge civil war there (In this regard, Canadians are so civilized!);   

In the end of May, Luka Magnotta shocked the whole world with his brutal crime. He killed his boyfriend, Lin Jun. I frankly don't know what was the worst: the fact of dismembering the chinese student, or sendind parts of his body by mail - to the Conservative Party of Canada national office, and also to elementary schools in other provinces. Only in June, they finally found Jun's head in a park of Montreal. Well, if the goal of this mere model was be famous, he got it. Let's face it: as a shoody porno actor, he made an successful 'real thriller' (not his speciality). However, I wonder myself how he will enjoy his celebrity confined in a jail until his death... Not worth job, dude!;

A 4.5 Richter scale earthquake shaked Montreal area last night.

Well, it IS something, isn't?!  

On se souviendra!


911 turning 728

The classical police number is at a low... 728, instead, is on the wave crest nowadays. Actually, since the students protests occured last spring...

Cop n. 728, become famous by many videos showing her intolerant behavior to deal with people in general, not only rioters in upheaval. She pepper-sprayed broadly! 

Freshly, a new episode drew forth her! Once again, in an aggressive exchange captured on video. Watch a news reporting about here.

The worst, in my opinion, is her point of view, her both stiff ideas and conduct. Her unfortunate commentaries like "On a réussi à le menotter. Mais, pendant ce temps-là, tous les rats qui étaient dans l’appartement en haut, les gratteux de guitare, c’est toute des osti de carrés rouges. Des artistes osti. En tout cas, des mangeux de marde. Ils ont toute commencé à sortir de l’appartement, tsé" are wretched.

Stéfanie Trudeau, implied in more this case, drags attributtes of a violent person since school, according her ex classmates. Well, it's visible, evident, clear by seeing these videos. Hail current technology! (which permit people to record several occurrences).

After this event, Montreal police reputation was put in check. "Is this kind of police we want (and need) here?" - they called into question. At least, now, she was FINALLY suspended.

A site about her was even created. Check it out.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

c'est clair

Il est possible de voir l'amour par les yeux (de l'autre puis par les tiens).

C'est la beauté du regard. Tant doux...
Ça tout dit! Il vaut mille mots.

C'est évident, c'est pour de vrai, c'est fort, c'est beau... c'est l'amour.

it's been an experience

Ok, it was not grave... I "just" waked up in the middle of the night with a strong noise, feeling the house shaking as when many trucks pass over there at the same time. 

Jokes aside, it was something (to me)! Strange sensation...

Can I freak out a little bit, at least? After all, I'm not used with natural phenomena like earthquakes! NOT AT ALL! Furthermore, this is not even supposed to happen here (what's more in that proportion)!

By the way, 3.9 Richter scale shocks in Quebec; Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario snow storms in early October(!)... Well, the weather seems crazy lately! Indeed.

Last year, it was the hurricane Irene... Which one it will be the next, Saint Peter?


Read more:

Earthquake rattles Montreal
Earthquake strikes near Montreal 

Early snow: A sign of what's to come?
Southeastern Manitoba pounded by adversity
Another quick blast of winter in parts of Alberta
Autumn snow causes power outages in southern Manitoba 
Snow falls in Winnipeg on last day of summer

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

what is really important

Nothing else.


The best place in the world is there, at that moment. 

Monday, 8 October 2012

s'en rappelant

Ils disent que, à chaque fois qu'on dit "une feuille tombe", ça arrive vraiment...

Malgré cela, c'est l'automne - la nature n'en oublie pas...(!)

(puis cette année elle s'en est rappelée plus tôt! Plus fort.)

À nous, il nous restent de beaux souvenirs de la saison.

Sunday, 7 October 2012


1.1 km
880 pas
13 minutes 

sans regarder en arrière.

Loin, distant... 

... toute seule?

Des rêves échoués. 


Take my hand and I will follow you, wherever! Forever.

Sometimes, we just need this: being together. Closer.

Other, only a tender look can prove that by itself... Little acts of kindness. 

Everyone has his own way to demonstrate affection, which varies across different cultures. It's solely important that love doesn't ever be put aside, let behind. Never.

Saturday, 6 October 2012


"Je n'aime pas le poisson!"

(cependant, il mange ça environ trois fois par semaine, puis en
différents plats, à sa faim!)

Caprice... Après tout, c'est à son goût!

Des préférences sont, par fois, seulement des idées fixes qu'on a dans la tête. Néanmoins, sont justement celles qui déterminent toute notre vie quotidienne.

À la première opportunité, tout change, quand même... Tant mieux! 

Friday, 5 October 2012


O Parque da Harmonia, estimado lugar que faz parte da tão primada tradição gaúcha, recebeu o nome do fundador da RBS em 1987. Faz tempo... (ou alguém esqueceu?)

Outra: hoje em dia, praticamente todos eventos culturais recebem o patrocínio de empresas privadas - mesmo o Acampamento Farroupilha. E a maioria deles só acontece graças a esse auxílio financeiro.
Oposições à parte, esse tipo de prática é recorrente em Porto Alegre, em diferentes níveis. Fato.

Reflexo de uma contemporaneidade corporativa mundialista, viral, forte e onipresente. Ou 'psicopata', como definiria o filme The Corporation.


do local para o global 
(ou vice-versa)

O pior não é a imagem da Coca Cola massivamente em Porto Alegre, patrocinando reformas no Largo Glênio Peres, no Auditório Araújo Viana (wherever!), mas a ausência do Estado, sucateando bens públicos. Admitemos que, antes, esses espaços eram sujos, ruinosos... nojentos até(!), apesar de toda bagagem histórica cultural e política ligada a eles. Em tempos de preparação para a Copa (e campanha!), o prefeito da cidade (e candidato à reeleição!), José Fortunati, passou à diante a responsabilidade de um serviço de base. Esta questionável terceirização, por sua vez, proporcionou uma melhor estrutura em termos de limpeza, tecnologia, segurança etc. Mérito esse que foi incapaz de adquirir em seu mandato com os recursos devidos.

Mais lastimável que a ofensiva da Brigada Militar contra os manifestantes desgostosos com a "venda" da capital gaúcha à multinacional, é sua presença ostensiva em defesa de interesses exteriores aos da população em geral (ou a prioridade agora é interceder em prol do mascote tatu? - na verdade, 'TATUdo errado'!). É difícil ver tantos brigadianos reunidos, prontos, dispostos e incentivados a proteger o cidadão - de bandido, injustiça, violência, corrupção... Normalmente, falta polícia nas ruas, sobra insegurança.

Quando os papéis se invertem, é aí que mora o perigo...

Estar num local 'próprio', agradável, oferecido pela iniciativa privada (dessa marca), e ter a opção de beber outra, se e quando convier - a rival Pepsi, por exemplo (ou melhor: nenhuma das duas, mas um mate, respeitando as ra
ízes), parece-me melhor que deixar de frequentá-lo por falta de condições ideais, precariedade. Onde está a liberdade? - ou a privação dela. E ainda: sua  'privatização', nesse caso. Impostos foram pagos. Investimentos feitos onde? - essa é a questão. Pelo menos, parte do dinheiro de quem compra esse refrigerante, a gente conhece o destino.

Que fique claro: não sou a favor deles, muito menos dessa situação ridícula a que se chegou. Entretanto, convenhamos: atualmente, empresários capitalistas são mais competentes que nossos politicos nesse sentido. Infelizmente. Ou seja, NÃO é "culpa" exclusiva da Coca Cola, em si. Ela (apenas) desempenha super bem seu trabalho no sistema econômico (e selvagem!) em que vivemos. Cruel, mas é essa a realidade.

Fora SIM, mas (também) o(s) mau(s) governante(s) permissivos que estão no poder. São eles que oportunizam tudo isso.

A instisfação social é saudavel, coerente, bem-vinda. No entanto, a fúria do povo está mal focada. A grande arma de mudança é ainda o voto (frase de efeito - excelente em véspera de eleição!).

Viva a democracia! Afinal, é tudo uma questão de escolha. 


 sem vestir a camisa

Admito que (ainda) bebo Coca-Cola, embora não me orgulhe, e evite. Porém, JAMAIS seria capaz de publicar (por livre e espontânea vontade, e em sã consciência) meu nome numa latinha deles e divulgá-la
na internet ou onde quer que seja(!) DE GRAÇA e (ainda por cima!) cheia de brios.

Bom, para aqueles que o fizeram (principalmente os porto-alegrenses que estão a reclamar agora, infelizes com essa invasão toda), meu recado:

Thursday, 4 October 2012

ne me texte pas!

(pas au volant, en conduisant, S'IL TE PLAÎT!)

C'est dangereux. Peut-être mortel... (!) Chaque lettre peut tuer. Oui, si tragique comme ça! 

Il est même interdit ici de ("seulement") tenir en main un cellulaire au volant. La loi est claire: pénalités d'une contravention de 80 $ à 100 $ CAN; plus 3 points d'inaptitude. Cependant, comme partout dans le monde, les gens ne (SE) respectent pas. Tant pis...

Les infractions liées à un appareil téléphonique sont en hausse constante. Puis les chiffres montent dans
les fichiers de la Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec, la SAAQ: de plus de 18, en 2008, ils se sont élevés à près de 57 mille l'année passée.

Étant donnée la situation critique dans la province, et ses conséquences (drastiques!), l'association vient de lancer une campagne offensive contre les textos au volant. C'est une bonne initiative.

J'ai beaucoup aimé la publicité télévisée  « avant, on n'écrivait pas de messages en conduisant. Il y avait sûrement une bonne raison ». Forte, malgré l'humor. Regardez-la.

Par rapport à un conducteur qui ne fait pas usage d'un appareil téléphonique, les conducteurs qui textent en conduisant ont 20 fois plus de chance d'avoir un accident, estime l'organisme. Ils quittent la route des yeux de 4 à 6 secondes pendant écrivent un message.

Sont environ 110 mètres aveuglément! À une vitesse de 90 km/h, c'est comme traverser un terrain de football avec les yeux fermés. Imaginez les risques... (!)

Selon des enquêtes, cela constitue désormais la plus importante préoccupation des Canadiens en matière de sécurité routière, surpassant même la conduite avec les facultés affaiblies. Cette nouvelle réalité c'est quelque chose!

Donc, gardez les yeux ouverts (et les mains sur la direction)!

Lisez plus.


D'autre part, comme des piétons, il faut également faire attention! 

L'une des principales causes d'accident chez qui n'est pas en voiture, mais dans la rue, est la distraction. Ainsi, l'utilisation d'un cellulaire les rend plus vulnérables, puisque sont très absents.

Il y a quelques jours, j'ai presque assisté l'écrasement d'un imprudent avec les yeux fixés sur son téléphone. Il est traversé la rue sans, au moins, regarder avant... Mon dieu!

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  • abrace seus amigos
  • acredite em si mesmo
  • ande mais com os pés descalços
  • antene-se
  • aplique o que você prega
  • assuma seus erros
  • beba mais água
  • beije na boca com vontade
  • conheça novas culturas
  • cuide-se com carinho
  • dance sem vergonha
  • diga mais 'sim' do que 'não'
  • durma bem
  • dê atenção às pessoas
  • entregue-se ao que ama
  • escreva cartas à mão
  • estude outras línguas
  • exerça a tolerância
  • exercite-se
  • fale e ouça mais 'obrigado'
  • faça muito amor
  • goze mais e melhor
  • leia mais livros
  • movimente-se
  • não limite seus sonhos
  • ouça musicas que te façam dançar
  • ouse
  • pense positivamente
  • permita-se
  • peça bis quando é bom
  • pratique o bem
  • prove diferentes sabores
  • renove-se
  • respeite a natureza e os mais velhos
  • reveja velhos conceitos
  • se beber, não ligue!
  • seja fiel, sincero e verdadeiro
  • siga a sua intuição
  • sinta o novo
  • sorria sempre que possível
  • subverta vez que outra
  • tenha calma
  • tire alguém para dançar
  • trabalhe com dedicação
  • use camisinha
  • vá mais ao cinema
  • viaje sempre
  • viva menos virtualmente

c'est fini!