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Tuesday 26 November 2013

deux poids et deux mesures

Mon astrologue m'a dit une fois, en analysant ma carte du ciel, que s'il y a quelque chose que m'écœure, c'est bien de l'injustice... Puis elle a frappé au but!
Voici un example d'une situation que me fait chi*r:
M est avec F. Cependant, ses amis l'incintent à tromper sa blonde avec C, car C est une (vieille) fille très tripante, alors que la belle F est pas mal timide et ne participe pas tellement des activités du gang de son chum.  
Un jour, la relation de M et F est finie à cause de leur problèmes conjugales. Au bout d'un moment, F trouve quelqu'un d'autre, puis M se fâche contre elle. 

Et encore pire: les mêmes camarades qui l'avaient appuyé à tromper sa copine dans le passé, la jugent maintenant. Après tout, "pauvre lui..."!
De l'hypocrisie, je ne supporte pas ça!

Au lieu de condamner son ex pour poursuivre sa vie, pour quoi Monsieur M (à la fin: célibataire) ne profite pas de ce moment où il est libre pour conclure ce qu'il a commencé pendant qu'il était encore en couple?

Si C était aussi parfaite, pour quoi il n'est pas avec maintenant? En plus, il a toujours eu l'aveu de ses copains! Tous comptes faits, où sont justement ces compagnons pour le stimuler à faire la bonne chose là là, en définitive?
M n'a pas été correct avec F avant, en ayant l'appui de ses proches pour la trahir. Au moment où F finalement essaye d'être heureuse avec une autre personne (peut-être un homme plus loyale, qui la valorise, enfin), la critique tombe sur elle.
F*CK YOU! Qui a un toit de verre ne tire pas de pierres chez son voisin...
Je hais les gens comme ceux-ci. Je me demande ce qu'ils ne pensent/parlent pas de moi dans mon dos!   
Il y a une leçon qu'on apprendre en veillissant: qui dit des choses méchantes à propos des autres, va le faire contre toi aussi.  

Des faux amis... Mangez de la m*rde!

Monday 25 November 2013

in the same spirit

There are people who think that helping you once, are able to steal you later and that's ok... After all, You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

Now, I dare: if you help people many times, can you have what belongs to you just once? By the way, through this perspective, it's not stealing, it's rights. 


Sunday 3 November 2013


If it means 'to hope' (in latin), I just CAN NOT 'desperare'!

My right motto is 'sperare' then.

After all, this was our choice...

Saturday 2 November 2013

pisando em ossos

Enquanto alguns festejam o Halloween, eu aproveito a data de Finados justamente para enterrar meus mortos, exorcizar fantasmas do passado a fim de poder, enfim, celebrar a vida - que segue, em frente!

Receio de estar fazendo a coisa certa? Sempre se tem... Mas, como dizem que, junto a mudanças, tem-se perdas (para que venham novidades, que haja recomeços), faz-se necessário arriscar. É o preço a ser pago por melhorias.

Ultrapassado o momento "limbo", triste e sofrido, uma nova partida.

Que seja dada logo essa largada! 

Tuesday 3 September 2013

the truth, the best choice

Always, even if it hurts... 

It's better crying due to reality than pretend everything is fine. By the way: 

Yes, one wil be constantly supporting the other in a couple - more than anybody else! 

No, who really loves won't be the one making the partner laugh with lies (just to be cooool...) 

Consciously, no one has any doubt about that.

Friday 30 August 2013


Even in my teen age, when didn't exist email yet, I think I'd never waited so anxiously for receiving correspondences.

New life, other requests... but, in fact, too much burocracy to restart officialy!

Waiting... My current wor(l)d in Canada.

Thursday 29 August 2013


With no fear, restarting...

Creativity, animation, fresh ideas, expertise, (foreign) knowhow: hey ho, let's go!

I can fall down seven times, but I will stand up eight. 


Wednesday 28 August 2013

once bitten, twice shy

Just in order to protect me and who I love, I will always smell a rat.

Even having a proper and healthy conversation, explaining about cordiality and good forms, trying to make a miracle indeed...  A carrion kite will never be a good hawk!

People don't change! Good-for-nothing... Sorry.

Tuesday 27 August 2013


Cuban doctors, forgive some Brazilian comrades who were hostile in your arriving. After all, probably you didn't know, but we have some problems with Education too.

We should thanks besides excuse.

Watch this video out to understand our problem: native medics who don't want to work in distant and disfavored areas against govern measures to contract foreign labour force to cover this national gap.

A shame.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Saturday 24 August 2013

being a princess

Brides are real princesses: romantic women who believe in love.

The brave ones, trying (not to say "facing") the couple's life... probably with kids in the future.

Actually, they are strong heros. Yes, we are

Friday 23 August 2013

modern life's contradictions

- a homophobic black person ;
- a gay homophobic;
- a vegan coke addicted;
- an allergic cat-person;
- unloved and scorned feminists;
- perv and pedophile priests;
- thieves police officers;
- a vegetarian gaucho;
- a deaf composer;
- a lewd's partner who doesn't like sex;
- snorting cocaine to workout;
- a known liar fancying herself absolutely right;
- a Thai's husband who doesn't like massage;
- a feminist who is beaten by her jealous husband;
- a lawyer full of fines and tickets;
- fucking less in couple than being single;
- fat athletes – inlcuding soccer players;
- lebian prostitutes and porno actresses of hetero movies;
- an evangelical bishop who muderdered her own parents;
- corrupt politicians (yes, it SHOULD be an antagonism!);
- 'for a better world' militants having sex with no condoms;
- 'for a better world' militants stealing cell phones;
- 'for a better world' militants smoking Marlboro cigarettes;
- MST militants eating at McDonald's restaurants;
- having anal sex to remain virgin;
- voting for green party and throwing out her garbage on the beach;
- aborting not to confess that have sex before marriage;
among other odd things.

Poor prude people!

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Tuesday 20 August 2013

scratchy advice

If your cat panics because something (vacuum, mixer etc.) DO NOT try to take him while the thing is working.

Gleaned from my own experience: the noise may results in a scarface!

Fear causes irrational behavior.

Monday 19 August 2013


To each one, a different word from me, about me. 

Describing yourself to others in a personalized way,  is not an easy role.

It is necessary creativity to be sincere, not redundant, to sounds nice without seems prepotent.

What a challenge!

My CV is the Charming Version of me... a butterfly on cover letters.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Friday 16 August 2013

pubic mkt

Maybe because we are famed on account of Brazilian wax, now and again the issue is back (actually is always the same there): women's shaving.

The flavor of the month is the actress Nanda Costa, who is on the current Brazilian Playboy's cover - and inside, posing in Cuba.

My comments about:

  • The photos are awesome;
  • She is very hotty, mainly because I've never seen before so many pictures with men next to the model – virile black ones, a propos...;
  • Her depilation fits with the location and atmosphere – because YES, she shaved (otherwise she would have beavers for over the place: on the surrounding area – and IT IS NOT the case!);
  • Their marketing was excellente. Besides, everybody is talking about it;
  • Her answer for the press: “I wouldn't present a Hitler's moustache in Fidel's land” is great - well thought-out, very smart, indeed;
  • It's clever chowcasing sporadically some different content;
  • I would like to know if all men who are complaining, criticizing or making fun of her pubic hairstyle, are well shaved (or, AT LEAST, wearing attractive underpants);
  • It seems that Brazilian men are nowadays more sissy than gays. As far as I know, men who likes women WON'T misfire or deny Nanda Costa in the nick of time... Will them??? (faggys...!!!)
  • By the bye, for those who forget it: idependently of fashion trends, cunts are naturally hairy.

I love it: bush is always into the mouth of the people.


hairy bunnies

The most famous one, in Brazil, is Claudia Ohana. The actress (and singer) posed in 85 and have been being pub(l)ic debate since then. At the age of 45, she came back to the cover in 2008. Althoug the beautiful pictures and her bush in confidence with the 2000s style, the damage is done! No way: she has been unanimity on the matter.

Other one who showed her controversial shaving was Vera Fisher, but without such impact - maybe due to the known odd behavior of the actress, her age (she was 49 when she fronted the magazine cover), or even the zeitgeist in 2000.

To conclude, I add in Simony, the Brazilian kid's star in the 80s. Her essay in 94 was also that much hirsute.


furry ass 

Maybe I'll be burn at the stake, but doesn't matter... I will touch raw nerves anyway:

Why men DO NOT grumble about Viviane Araújo's butt thick with hair?? It's incoherent, sorry...

(ok, her pussy is correct for our standarts, but not that bizarre "furry thing"...) 

It's all worng with men: bemoaning about a feminine twat while accepting with no restriction a manful bushy-tailed! (Stop the world I want to get off!!!)

Saturday 10 August 2013


We just wonder ourselves...

If a person is soooo amazing, why is she here, niggling with poor ordinary people, instead of being at the level above, on the top - where she was supposed to be?

Despite saying she is fancying herself, I would say she is fucking it.

Poor... liar!

Wednesday 7 August 2013

once upon a car

Another day, I was checking someone's trip pictures out... There were five altogether.

Two of the landscape, two with him (and others) on the scene and one just of the car in the foreground. Yes... the machine!

Notwithstanding, I realized that the jeep was there, somewhere, as supporting, on ALL photos. It seemed an ad of automobile's companies on magazines.

Short: for him, his car is the protagonist, something more important than anything else: place, people, travel... Ridiculously.

Excessive vanity so as to show your family has a 4X4? Splurge? Flamboyance? For God's sake... Why?! I don't care about the car! I just would like to see some images of the adventure.

I hate this (men's) behavior.

Tuesday 6 August 2013


I'm not taking current circumstances as a tax. No... Let's look on the bright side: each obstacle we pass through, make us even stronger.

Difficulties adduce the truth. Barbs, grief and bitterness come along. It's impossible hide to it for long time.

Before, I was alone... Now, two years on, I'm happy, settled, sharp, hearty and powerful. After all, who has good friends and a family who loves you, has everything

I'm married and blessed. And you?!

The giant has just awoken to finally make a living. 

Monday 5 August 2013

Monday 29 July 2013

à chacun son goût

En attendant...

Interrogé sur leur intentions de aller au Brésil en vacances, le québecois répondre:

- Mais oui, je cherche une belle litière.

(oui, exactement ce qui a été dit avec une incroyable supériorité sur le sud! - c'est-à-dire tout ce qui viens de l'Amérique Latine!)

Quel irrespect! 

J'aime vraiment le Québec, les gens d'ici, sa culture, puis je n'aurais jamais pensé en écouter un si fort insulte... Alors, excuse-moi, mais: pauvres chauvinistes ces (ostie de) losers égocentriques qui ne voient que leur souverainisme! S'il y a certains québecois qui croient même que leur "pays" est le meilleur endroit au monde, je voudrais qu'ils entendent (seulement un petit peu - au moins!) ce que tous les autres canadiens ont à dire par rapport à cette province francophone, et son peuple compris.

Une place pour chaque chose et chaque chose à sa place... Quelle ironie!

Vive le Canada et son acceptation des différences! 

J'ADORE ça: de la tolérance en plusieurs niveaux.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

in Rio

No words to describe how beautiful is this DVD of Bebel Gilberto... I was simply agape while watching it.

Everything perfect: her voice and the melody at that unequaled landscape - during the day, sunset and night... Wow! So nice... I just regret not being there for its footage.

I miss Rio so much! - not only the postcard, but everything which comes along: friends, buzz, career, respect, recognition...Well, it must come at the right moment. 

After all, I remember who I am:

A gold gift! Thank you

Tuesday 23 July 2013


Dominguinhos waited all St John's parties pass to finally rest in peace.


Still on the sky...

This year some little stars will bright there, on top.


Bye feline friends

Monday 22 July 2013

le mantra du égoïsme

On le connaît déjà par coeur...
Par contre, on le suit pas (de tout!).

Pauvres ceux qui ne reconnaissent pas 
les attributs des autres, aveugles par soi même.

Ils vont mourir tout seules, 
gonflés par son ego. 

Finalement: "et Moi-S! et Moi-S! et Moi-S!"

Thursday 18 July 2013

nothing is for nothing

I really believe that things happen in our lives with a major propose. Well, so, it is up to us to make a good use of each opportunity when they come, the best we can... They may pass, and most part of them probably won't be regive to us later - are 'one-time' occurrences for the cause of the good. Natural gifts.

Don't waste those graces!

Tuesday 16 July 2013


Too bad: I am not among the most beautiful women in the world... Nonetheless, even with my tummy, my allergies, scars and old tattoos, at the same time proud of my natural tan, Brazilian butt, small breasts and slender guitar-waist I go swim(mingly).  

It's summertime, pah!

Let's enjoy it, before it leave...

With no complexes

Monday 15 July 2013

on the top

Ok, sometimes they DO are not confortable, but wearing a beautiful pair of high-heeled shoes, makes all the difference!

Actually, a nifty bag too. They give life to the look... anyone, glamourizing women, growing self esteem!

Sacrifices which worth all efforts... ;)

Sunday 14 July 2013

a chip on his shoulder

Nostalgic about the past? Go for it, then!

Coming back to old recollections when it is the moment you must go forward is stupidity - mainly when your memories are not something you should be proud of...

Me, on the contrary, I am sorted-out about my life. I am firmly resolved to keep going... future-oriented!

Living as a museum? It's not my cup of tea - not at all!


Friday 12 July 2013


It's not long until I can be myself, thoroughly,

again and for ever.

Thursday 11 July 2013


I DO NOT want this environment for my kids.
No, i'ts not funny, it's woeful!

Choices... I opt for life.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

ignorance is a shoot in the foot

Sorry, but wealth doesn't mean smartness! It's not because your house is sooo fancy that your guests should pay tickets to visit you! For God sake, mind you: f*ck your vanity!

If you actually don't master your professional domain (even believing you do...), please, re-examine your affairs' concepts before losing time and money. Moreover, be cleaver: pay someone to work for you, if you are not able to... giving him enough autonomy to think big. It's that easy!

Remember: lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place... likewise good opportunities! (mainly the best ones!) Quality has its price; Otherwise, distrust.

Learning is everything! - chiefly in order to inovate. Nobody goes forth without freshening... Being opened to new ideas is an excellent investment in a world which is in constant change.

By the way, fund DOES NOT remain for ever...

Monday 8 July 2013

the heart of the matter

Basic problem:

How ask to someone something that this person simply doesn't know?!

Sunday 7 July 2013

the monster

I feel myself as a bizarre 'being' attempting something impossible as long as I dare the improbable, besides dealing with alien's incoherence.

A matter of culture? I wouldn't say that... It's more some kind of internal motivation (or its absence, indeed).

By hook or by crook, nobody deserves this!

Respect is something fundamental. We are not supposed to ask for it. 

Saturday 6 July 2013

que uruca!

foto de João Mattos/JC
Deixo registradas aqui minhas sinceras lástimas pelo ocorrido hoje à noite no Mercado Público de Porto Alegre. E, tentando evitar teorias conspiratórias mais complexas  agora, exponho somente meu profundo repúdio à qualquer proposta de contrução diferente da ideia original de um prédio popular.

Que este cartão-postal da cidade seja logo reformado e entregue novamente ao seu povo, que hoje dormirá triste.

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  • abrace seus amigos
  • acredite em si mesmo
  • ande mais com os pés descalços
  • antene-se
  • aplique o que você prega
  • assuma seus erros
  • beba mais água
  • beije na boca com vontade
  • conheça novas culturas
  • cuide-se com carinho
  • dance sem vergonha
  • diga mais 'sim' do que 'não'
  • durma bem
  • dê atenção às pessoas
  • entregue-se ao que ama
  • escreva cartas à mão
  • estude outras línguas
  • exerça a tolerância
  • exercite-se
  • fale e ouça mais 'obrigado'
  • faça muito amor
  • goze mais e melhor
  • leia mais livros
  • movimente-se
  • não limite seus sonhos
  • ouça musicas que te façam dançar
  • ouse
  • pense positivamente
  • permita-se
  • peça bis quando é bom
  • pratique o bem
  • prove diferentes sabores
  • renove-se
  • respeite a natureza e os mais velhos
  • reveja velhos conceitos
  • se beber, não ligue!
  • seja fiel, sincero e verdadeiro
  • siga a sua intuição
  • sinta o novo
  • sorria sempre que possível
  • subverta vez que outra
  • tenha calma
  • tire alguém para dançar
  • trabalhe com dedicação
  • use camisinha
  • vá mais ao cinema
  • viaje sempre
  • viva menos virtualmente

c'est fini!