After some hard time, with so many changes (for good - fortunately!), I just want to restart my life in the best way... Healthy, surrounded by friends, with love and a job.
I was never someone very ambitious, wanting to be rich, famous or was always seeking what is not made for me, what I can't or should not have... My worries were other ones. I've always looked for well-being.
Now, my time has just arrived, and I think I have the right to, and I am not asking too much (!) : happiness, satisfaction, peace of mind, faith, goodness and a world of new and great possibilities, with less injustice, violence and illness.
Each one writes his own history. I've just start a new chapter... a new life even. Maybe that one it is going to the best one. We never know... I hope write for that, funny and delight words.
My 2015 resolution is being happy - totally possible! Thank God. Amen.