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Thursday, 28 February 2013

share it!

by Decur

It is not a lack of love, but of loving.

If it's not demonstrated how can we notice it?

Love is stronger when given, unrolled.


the original cover, in Portuguese

Yesterday, exaclty two years ago, Moacyr Scliar died. Independently of any discussion, unfortunately, without see his story being nominated for 11 Oscars, winning 4 of them.

Many may ask, for which movie? Well, the answer is easy, and true: Life of Pi, by (the 2013 'best director') Ang Lee.

The homonym novel by Yann Martel was clearly (and admittedly) inspired by Max and the Cats, of the Brazilian jew authour.

Some say it was a plagiarism; others, that it was not - between them, even Scliar, who, in fact, shortly, finished just not to aprove Martel behaviour while saying he used "a good idea that had been spoiled by a Brazilian writer". I understand. Martel was, at least, hostil. After all, I really don't know if he would be capable to write something similar
with such talent under the same circumstances, case in point: a dictatorial censorship. 

The fact is that... this same thing he said he didn't read the original, just an unfavorable review, even so, he decided to copy it. Judge other's work without know exactly what is and use it later sounds me strange. Isn't it?! Well, lucky him I'm not a Scliar...

Apart of all this scene, on the question of the quality of both opus, I strongly believe that is worth read these two books and watch the film. That's what I'll do.

Ckeck this video out, where Moacyr Scliar comment the fuss.

Read more about it:

Tuesday, 26 February 2013



Don't you want to be my friend???

So, f*ck you!

I don't give a shit.


It's better without you, indeed.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

greedy eye

I believe that it exists. So, I avoid that and fight off it. With all my forces. Against ill, envy, cynicism and jinx.

What's more, it's worthless try to make up intentions, playing the goody-goody, sweet well-behaved, because I am old hand. I know who I'm dealing with - although relatives don't... while feeling bad energies about.

It wont be necessary any contact (anymore). Distance is going to overrule, more and more. My faith doesn't fail.

For good... Bye. Amen.

Friday, 22 February 2013

oftentimes, a pitiful result

"...if you want to test a man's character, 
give him power."

It's true! Then, yes, you'll really know someone.

Fortunately, I feel myself pround of my behaviour about. With the others, aftermath hasn't been SOOOO nice, though.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Sorry, but I simply CAN'T eschew having some difficulty to credit fat people who give classes in gym.

In my head, a physical education teacher, a sport coach, a physiotherapist, a nutricionist, a endocrinologist, or even a plastic and cosmetic surgeon MUST be thin. Of course an a athlete as well, or a dancer, a coreographer, and a circus performer - except if being a freakshow artist.

All of them should be a model for others, set a good example. After all, these are professions related to health... and fat is not wholesome - not at all!

Ok, at least if they are trying to lose weight together, as somekind of a reality... But even so, credibility keep being a problem for me.

I have this distort. Maybe a little hostile, I know... However, it's my bias.

Monday, 18 February 2013

maybe it's lacking something

Even me, I used to say, once seeing many friends posting lots of pet stuff (or, in "real" life, talking SO MUCH about it), that, in fact, it's time to make a baby! That they, actually, need a child... 

Well, who would'a guessed... now it's my time to do the SAME thing! Probably, it is exactly that:
my maternal instinct sprouting, the nature speaking up! - after all, I want to have children. Furthermore, I'm old enough to. Yes, indeed, my biological clock may be already ringing...

Considering all love and affection I have on our kitty, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be a great mommy! (and so does my husand - a father! By the way, he is very gaga about everything concerning her too!)

Althought all wish of being a mother soon, it's not possible by now. Thus, we play with the cat - who have received the whole attention just for her.

Make the most of this moment, Lis! In a while, you'll have a little brother or sister. Or both.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

proof of love


It's always important... I appreciate it, a lot! - mainly for special occasions.

It won't hurt to say (and repeat) how much we cherish someone. Maybe, it will, if you silence it and clam up.

Love is better when shared, unrolled.

Friday, 15 February 2013

it's all dominated!

Ok, I admit I'm a simple begginer in all this 'cat thing'... That's not to say, though, I simply can't be surprised about the quantity of cat stuff we can find online. It's amazing!

Well, recently, I had a little sample of the wide/colossal love people have for felines watching You Must Love Cats on DVD. I was simply terrified about this fascination.

I needed to say that, then write about it. After all, it IS (really) something! Believe me. Pope resignation, Valentine's Day, Star Wars caracthers, and so on... From current events to very specific fetishs, all kind of stuff you can imagine, it DOES exist linked to cats!


adorable homely world

As "people who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw stones", now, that I have my kitty and I cherish her as I thought I'd never be able to do... I got very excited with all this universe and get into the its spirit: Lis has now her own facebook profile, where she posts everything about her life, preferences etc. It's funny, at least. On the other hand, I frankly haven't wanted to bombard friends (or those who are not sooooo close) with photos and infos about my pussy! (oooops... our! mine and my husband's.)

I own I hate to see some parents (of babies or pets), nonsense, that start to publish only issues and pictures about their children or animals (or both!). They don't take "semancol", otherwise, they'll know that there is life beyond 'family'. I understand their great sentiments (because I have them too!), but moderation is commendable. Sometimes, it's ok, enjoyable, but always(!) - everyday, besides 'nothing else'... it's OVER! Please, recognize it. It sucks.

So, not to bother my audience, I decided to create a new account in order to put just these (cute for some, but hateful for others) content. Furthermore, of course who doesn't appreciate it (at all) wont be invited to became a friend. Thus, we can expose entirely our huge affection for Lis, without disturb anybody not (so) interessed.  

I strongly feel I did the right thing. 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Specially now (while seeing everybody at sea course), when questioned about what I miss the most, the answer is simple and comes easily: the beach.

Summer culture, carioca life style... hot season, taking a dip, sun on skin, friends to have a draft (actually, many...), to enjoy music and the city - with swing. Carnival, I love you!

Finally, the family to heat my heart.

Saudades, Brasil!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Em nome da moral e dos bons costumes, meu luxo aqui é fantasia!

Em francês, eu bem diria "Je cherche des bons costumes"... Em inglês, 'proper costumes' que nada tem a ver com 'morality'. Afinal, a gente ousa no figurino e na alegria!

Pobre gata... Miau!

Monday, 11 February 2013

go(o)d riddance, Pope!

But, WAIT... What a f*ck?! Is it possible?? He was supposed to perform in this function until the end of his days, wasn't he?!

And WHY he did it?! Well, propably the real reasons we'll never know. However, so much buzz inpired hilarious tweets on the net. My favorite theory is that he quit just in time to play in Star Wars new movie (photo).

another joke why the pope left
Anyway, I don't know exactly why I should be happy about that...

Firstly, maybe Renan Calheiros can inspire himself and resign too! If even a Pope is able to, why not a corrupt Brazilian politician?! People will love it!

Secondly, some church rules and old concepts may, FINALLY, change with another person in the power. The use of condoms, abortion (utopia!) and same-sex marriage, for example. Then, I wake up... 

Lastly, perhaps a different and audacious candidate will assume this important role. I've heard about the possibility of
the Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana - who would be the first black Pope... Cool! There are also some speculations about the Cardinal Marc Ouellet, a Quebecer. 

it's said that God is Brazilian, so... why not?!
Or, it would be great if someobe from Latin America (where live most part of Catholic believers) assume the position... Why not the Cardinal Leonardo Sandri from Argentine, or even (as it said that God is Brazilian) the Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, considering that Brazil has the largest number of Catholics in the world ?! 


Well, let's check out other (both funny and interesting) ideas we find online....

a cat for Pope!

David Bowie for Pope!

Keith Richards for Pope!

Ozzy Osbourne for Pope!

vote Inri Cristo for Pope!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

happy Chinese new year!

The year of the snake.

So much good luck, professional success and prosperity in love for everybody :)

(I also wish all you guys, who like it, lots of "snakes" during this year!)

However, when it comes a catty and treacherous animal as serpents are, I prefer to be prudent.

I sincerely and strongly want that all 'snake-women', the spiteful, jeaulous and envious ones (who try to poison others' happiness, both betraying and cheating), stay away from me, my couple, my house, my family and friends - even if making part of them. Not only by this year, but forever!


Friday, 8 February 2013

mon monde

Comme cadeau, volontiers ♥

Cependant, si je pouvais, je lui donnerais le monde entier...

Bonne fête à celui qui a volé mon cœur: mon mari, mon petit prince, mon gentil tyran.

Je t'aime, mon amour! Fort, fort.

Monday, 4 February 2013

tueurs en série!

Pas les hommes, mais les chats! 

C'est leur nature. Oui, oui... Le saviez-vous?!

Sous leur air innocent, les chats sont de redoutables tueurs en série qui trucident chaque année des milliards d'oiseaux et de mammifères aux États-Unis, ce qui en fait la première cause de mortalité liée aux activités humaines pour la faune sauvage, estime une étude publiée  récemment (Fonte: AFP).

Donc, attention, animaux! (pas seulement aux États-Unis, mas partout le monde...) Ici, chez nous compris, car on a une prometteuse chasseuse qui est tout temps à regarder la fenêtre: Lis!

Sunday, 3 February 2013


(ou "la vengeance" au post 'du bonbon') 

En pensant d'être trop injuste laisser les femmes à côte d'un classement concernant la beauté, voici mon palmarès des plus belles filles du Québec, en ordre alphabétique:

Catherine De Léan - un mélange de Juliette Binoche et sa homonyme Catherine Zeta-Jones
Catherine Renaud - une rousse;
Ève Duranceau - des traits félins;
Evelyne Brochu - la Winona Ryder québécoise;
Évelyne de la Chenelière - entre Claire Forlani et Sofia Coppola, une beauté dramaturgique et sophistiquée;
Isabelle Blais - des taches de rousseur charmantes;
Julie Perreault -  des fins traits; 
Karine Vanasse - la Alice Braga d'ici;
Lucie Laurier - la Penélope Cruz made in Quebec;
Magalie-Lépine-Blondeau - évoque pas mal la top model Christy Turlington;
Marie-Josée Croze - une beauté international

*Sophie Nélisse- une petite "extra", trop jeune encore... Toutefois, c'est 'la promesse' pour l'avenir, un peu comme Anna Chlumsky de My Girl (L'Été de mes onze ans)


toutes ensemble 

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  • abrace seus amigos
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  • assuma seus erros
  • beba mais água
  • beije na boca com vontade
  • conheça novas culturas
  • cuide-se com carinho
  • dance sem vergonha
  • diga mais 'sim' do que 'não'
  • durma bem
  • dê atenção às pessoas
  • entregue-se ao que ama
  • escreva cartas à mão
  • estude outras línguas
  • exerça a tolerância
  • exercite-se
  • fale e ouça mais 'obrigado'
  • faça muito amor
  • goze mais e melhor
  • leia mais livros
  • movimente-se
  • não limite seus sonhos
  • ouça musicas que te façam dançar
  • ouse
  • pense positivamente
  • permita-se
  • peça bis quando é bom
  • pratique o bem
  • prove diferentes sabores
  • renove-se
  • respeite a natureza e os mais velhos
  • reveja velhos conceitos
  • se beber, não ligue!
  • seja fiel, sincero e verdadeiro
  • siga a sua intuição
  • sinta o novo
  • sorria sempre que possível
  • subverta vez que outra
  • tenha calma
  • tire alguém para dançar
  • trabalhe com dedicação
  • use camisinha
  • vá mais ao cinema
  • viaje sempre
  • viva menos virtualmente

c'est fini!