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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

le français

C'est ça que j'm:

Je parle
Tu ne me comprends pas
Il répond
Nous changeons des experiences
Vous êtes gentils  
Ils rient

(toujours, presque comme ça…)

I'm in love with French, I admit.

J'essaye... parler, comprendre, écouter, répondre correctement, me faire comprendre!
Since I arrived in Montreal, and now, mainly because I'm studying it, it's impossible not to say I'm completely involved with the idiom. 

Actually, I used to be when I attended some classes in the past, but it was not so intensive. While interested, it was not the same experience as living in a place where everybody speaks that, where the language is partout!

I fell in love, as a tree leaf fall... naturally. By now, I can say I'm changing (not my color, but the way of my thoughts, et ma vie). By the way, it's already Autumn! 

Well, for sure, it’s another season for me… Why not? Since I’m discovering different things far from home, and blooming as long as I’m not so green anymore. C'est ça... tout a fait!

It’s natural… as being in love, looking for someone before the winter come, wanting and also accepting all changes.

Ça arrive... C’est la vie!

Monday, 26 September 2011

little things which make all the difference

Feeling myself  welcome - Now, more than ever, I’m prizing it (once I’m satisfied with the way which people deal with immigrants in Canada)! Differently I was used to pass in Europe, here, there are not only opportunities, but (and mainly) respect.

Furthermore, other aspect that makes me appreciate this country is its people's kindness. Without a doubt, they are completely different from, for example, most part of Dutchs who I've met in The Netherlands - rude and indelicate when giving short answers, always with no smiles in their faces. 

Although their idiom seems a little brute for us, while, for instance, the Latin ones make us closer (of course), it's not only a matter of language. Even descending from French, Quebec's people are so cute and solicitous - much more beloved than their European ancestors, who, unfortunately, don't have one of the best appealing reputation - at all! Sometimes, inclusively, the anglophonic Canadians seem be even more captivating, but is not a plain fact! Maybe this unfavourably impression is made à cause des mes difficultés et de les particularités du français... Oui, peut-être!

Finally, there are many other reasons which make me believe I’m in the right place right now… Almost feeling myself as in home (or 'chez moi'). My only challenge, the worst one, which impedes me to affirm I’m 100% sure of that, is the winter(!) - that haven’t started yet. Probably, it’s going to be as cruel as colder than any other people in the whole planet! Wow… I wonder myself if Canadians are going to keep joy and so gentle even under less 30 degrees! Well, let's see.

*By now, I would like to excuse myself with Holland and French people, since I love them and their places. However, it's important to be sincere AND, in such case, EVEN WITH NO CRISIS, Europeans generally tend to have so much (related to behavior and mood) to learn with other peoples in order to improve their manners.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

everything comes to him who waits

How ineffable (and wonderful) is feel the mix of nervousness and anxiety with excitement while waiting for a call - a special one, of course. This happens due to the butterflies in the stomach, those which make you feel as a 'silly romantic girl' sometimes.

I confess I would like to experiment that sensation more often. Actually, not ‘only’ this, but pass through ALL process related to be involved with someone else who turns you on, and vice versa. By the way, reciprocity is essential to go ahead.

It just works when really ‘plim’! That means, first of all, it's necessary a minimum of chemical attraction, and this phenomenon is totally involuntary. So, thousands of people can call you without (at least) make your heart beat stronger… In other words: we cannot command our own feelings; the fervour of our heart does not depend on our decision.

Thus, I hope he makes by himself the right choice not to waste my precious time, energy and vocabulary with who doesn’t worth!

On the other hand, in a place where you don't have many friends, you await for simple and kind invitations in order to have some company to do something; anything... indeed! You are more opened than usually, leaving some considerable discretions aside.

In this case, it's important take care and avoid any lack or needfulness. After all, in most part of these movements, hurry and quality standards are inversely proportional. So, it's 'dangerous' while being as vulnerable as alone!

Then, all this mess in my stomach starts to arches (and also worry me) a lot...

Saturday, 24 September 2011

voulu mais bizarre

As time passed, more and more, I’m sure I’m interested in eccentric men. Although I can’t see anything sexy in a type as Woody Allen, for example, I’m used to be involved with some guys who remind me of him.

Fortunately, it’s possible to say that it’s not his physique which attracts me in my pretenders, but the odd way how he demonstrates his charming intelligence. At least, not so bad… After all, it’s undeniable his geniality! - and for sure that captivates me.

No one would dispute that creative genius and extravagance both get along. On the question of having intellect and sagacity, I confess I’m easily fascinated by - even tolerating a little madness sometimes… Finally, no one is perfect!

With glasses, short, older, shy and a little neurotic… they are almost everything which girls like me tend to avoid. However, at last, to conclude: I honestly prefer a strange one than someone extremely beautiful, but stupid. Furthermore, I don’t care! From up close, nobody is normal (not even me!).

Thursday, 22 September 2011

prejudice chain

-  You know, it's not my fault... I prefer not to invite them because my friends may don't like gays.
-  ... (silence) [surprised with the spoiler]
- It's better, don't you understand?!
- Sorry, but you are B-L-A-C-K!
- What?! [rushed]
- It's YOU who don't understand... 
- What?!
- You should NOT be biased. Not you. You simply can't.
-  ... (silence)
- Furthermore, they invited you and you went at their house a few days ago. I REALLY CAN'T BELIEVE IN IT!

This is my point of view. It was against my principles...  Hypocrisy beyond injustice: I plainly couldn't deal with it.

That's why a new friendship just not begin, besides strengthen my old ones.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

by force

A sad reality among so much happiness and perfection...

I’ve never thought about rapes or sexual violence in Canada. However, today I was informed that around one in four women has suffered some kind of sexual abuse here, or even attempts, at least once in  her lifetime. “Too much!” - I said impressed to Julie, who attended me in the 2110, giving me some information about sex issues.

Actually, I don’t know if this number is refered only to Montreal (Quebec) or if it is a mean of all their cities. I used to live at easy, calmly, with no worry about that here… until tonight! Coincidently (or not!), a guy tried to grip my arm under a viaduct while by my side. I was a little afraid, without understand what he wanted... and could do with me there. Fortunately, nothing happened due to a lady who passed by bike exactly at that time, disturbing him (and helping me by chance! - Thanks God). 
Although Mtl seems being a peaceful and safe city for women, it‘s better pay attention - always! I‘m going to inform myself about who are the men who commit it, the way it occurs here and why. I‘m sure that the reasons (besides the “basic” uncontrollable desire of pervert men) are different for the Brazilians. Let’s verify… and as soon as possible, I’ll write explaining something which is simply inexplicable - inadmissible and unforgivable.

By the way, congratulation to people who help others with these sexual problems, all demages...

Despite implicit, the heaviest scene I’ve ever seen about that was played by Monica Bellucci in the French movie Irréversible. It’s extremely distressing. I hope nobody, experiences it, or undergoes a traumatic similar situation, wherever.

Better if I could help them... So, (hey, ho) let's go!  

Saturday, 3 September 2011

l'heure locale

"Em Brasília, 19h", mais ici il est 18h.

Bientôt, toutefois, il aura encore deux heures de plus! Il seront trois heures de décalage horaire, en raison du début de l'heure d'été au Brésil et la fin du même régime ici.

Dans le samedi 15 octobre, il y faudra avancer les montres d'une heure là-bas. Par contre, ici au Québec, le dimanche le six novembre commence l’heure d’hiver, où on recule d'une heure.

   1h (décalage horaire
+ 1h (plus au Brésil) 
+ 1h (moins au Québec) 
= 3h de différence

Friday, 2 September 2011

mon conte de fées en français

(avec d'humour noir - bien sür!)

Il était une fois une princesse nommée Raiponce. Quand elle avait douze ans, une sorcière l'a placée dans la tour d'un château entre la forêt. Elle y a restée longtemps en attende le prince charmant à son secours à travers de ses longs cheveux.

À cause que il a tardé pour ramasser elle, la jeune belle a eu beaucoup d'estresse et elle a devenu chauve. Maintenant, avec 18 ans, elle est a l’hopitale pour guérir sa malade. Alors, elle vais avoir que attendre plus de temp pour trouver autre amour, un qui aime des femmes bizarres.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

la sieste d'après-midi

Parc Père-Marquette, midi
Ici, c'est comme ça:

Les gens mangent dehors, surtout aux parcs, en profitant de (la fin de) l'été. Et, tout de suite, prennent une sieste.

J'aime ça!
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  • abrace seus amigos
  • acredite em si mesmo
  • ande mais com os pés descalços
  • antene-se
  • aplique o que você prega
  • assuma seus erros
  • beba mais água
  • beije na boca com vontade
  • conheça novas culturas
  • cuide-se com carinho
  • dance sem vergonha
  • diga mais 'sim' do que 'não'
  • durma bem
  • dê atenção às pessoas
  • entregue-se ao que ama
  • escreva cartas à mão
  • estude outras línguas
  • exerça a tolerância
  • exercite-se
  • fale e ouça mais 'obrigado'
  • faça muito amor
  • goze mais e melhor
  • leia mais livros
  • movimente-se
  • não limite seus sonhos
  • ouça musicas que te façam dançar
  • ouse
  • pense positivamente
  • permita-se
  • peça bis quando é bom
  • pratique o bem
  • prove diferentes sabores
  • renove-se
  • respeite a natureza e os mais velhos
  • reveja velhos conceitos
  • se beber, não ligue!
  • seja fiel, sincero e verdadeiro
  • siga a sua intuição
  • sinta o novo
  • sorria sempre que possível
  • subverta vez que outra
  • tenha calma
  • tire alguém para dançar
  • trabalhe com dedicação
  • use camisinha
  • vá mais ao cinema
  • viaje sempre
  • viva menos virtualmente

c'est fini!