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Monday 4 April 2011

they wormed their way

Pitiful, everything goes bad here.

I advice: my extreme opinion probably will shock you. So, it’s up to you whether continuing to read or not.

I was astonished to watch all the news about the fake policeman discovered recently in Rio. However, not owing to his lie, but the complete surprise of population about that. Let’s aim some disturbs usually occurred:

- Instead being the ‘law-guys’, giving us all the necessary security, many policeman don’t act as a good role. Considering that, everyday, they ask citizens some tips to liberate the bad conducers, weed smokers, or whoever…are doing something wrong(!), it is clear that they are not making things well, dealing wrongly with this power received.     

- No one would dispute that politicians are not doing well their jobs. As long as they were working hard for our welfare, the reality of Brazil would be another - better for everyone, of course! They robber public money, over incoming as much as they could everything possible, in addition of accepting tips too etc. 
Now, answer me: who are the real fake men of good?

- Carlos da Cruz Sampaio Junior, that wanted to be a cop even not being approved to it. This poor guy not only simulated false positions at the Police but also forged documents which proofed his calling. Whereas there, he conduce illegally some of their battalion’s missions against bandits. It is a perfect case that a common person who wants to be a hero (or someone similar to it!) even not through right means


- our legal men accordingly Brazilian rules (politicians or policeman), elected by us or approved in a specific test to became a civil servant - that gave them power to have both duty and responsibility to be in the office they are,   above all suspicion. Even so, them attitudes don’t are suitable with their roles in our society. In other words: they are not good guys, or rather: the main individuals that MUST carry on the laws, “simply” don’t.

It is interesting (not to say an absurd!) that even if facing this horrible reality which we live here, only few people complain, is upset or indignant with the winding means this kind of thing often happen here! Surreal.

I’m not here justifying the lies of the fake cop, just saying that there are many worst things forgotten while a smaller mistake stamps all chief news section of every single TV channel. Hey, someone remembers that we have voted in these (ir)responsible fellows who let those ones to do whatever thy want to, as being allowed to gain an advantage over everything?  

It seems somewhat as fiction... Tropa de Elite - the movie. While one wants to be Capitão Nascimento, others insist in wormed ways (read ‘the our Mafia’ ones - “Milícia’s”) to get the jump on. From my point of view, the punishment for this bad conduct to whom was trusted this serious charge in society, should be more severe than for who tried do alternatively their jobs, even being a unlawful.       

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c'est fini!