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Sunday 31 March 2013

dreaming does not costs anything

That's why I throw myself into, living it acutely.

Nonetheless, in real life, our safe harbor has a price.

649 - that's all I want (and we need) by now. Actually, only half of it!

Saturday 30 March 2013


Celebrated one day before, with bunnies and carrots only as jokes, not so much chocolate, some meat, as a brunch... everything is always awesome when in family, but could be any other ordinary day!

 Maybe when our children will come, it will be different... returning to be as always did: magic.

(Honestly: the same for Christmas!)

Thursday 28 March 2013

things has changed

You say "Today is the 50th anniversary of Hitchcock's Birds" and (unfortunately) teens maybe (in fact: PROBABLY) won't know what are you talking about. For them, "The Birds" are the angry ones, from videogames.

I hope my children discern both. After all, if even I have heard about 'their', why my kids won't be able to be acquainted with 'ours'?! Knowlegde is exchange: from generation to generation - in any case.

Tuesday 26 March 2013


Today, is the 241st anniversary of Porto Alegre, my birthplace.

I miss it a lot - because of my family and friends, and also by virtue of its singular charm. I'm very proud to be originally from there, to can say I'm 'Gaúcha' even before considering me a Brazilian (deep roots we never lose, despite the fact of moving far away).

What is more, I would like to show all you guys from where nice people like me come... that's why I chose this encyclopedic pic besides writing a long introduction in English, which is more universal.

Well, here it is: my homage! Poa, I love you ♥

Saturday 23 March 2013


...te catar!
...te cagar!

...tomar no c*! 
E, por outro lado, um semancol... (!!!)
(paciência tem limite!)

Não, melhor:

...de retro satana!
(a esperança é a última que morre!)

Friday 22 March 2013


"RESPECT the vinyls, ok?!"

Ok, leave it to me...

By the way: Just watch me, bitch! ;)

Thursday 14 March 2013

the more I know about people, the better I like my cat

So as to clarify what I mean, let's take as an example the hot topic worldwide: the last pope's selection.

Positive and negative points for their choice:

- Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a Jesuit. That is to say we expect from him social justice promotion and ecumenical dialogue;
- He chose the papal name 'Francis' in honor to St. Francis of Assisi, who preached detachment of the material goods;
- As an Argentine, he is the first Pope from Americas. I would say "finally". After all, most part of Catholic people is from there - to be precise: South Americans. 

On the other hand...

- When Cardinal in Buenos Aires, he had ties to the country's oppressive military dictatorship in the 1970s;
- He is severely opposed to same-sex unions (mentioning it as a 'devil' thing), while Argentine president Cristina Kirchner approved it. They were the first country in the region to decriminalise gay marriage;
- Both abortion and euthanasia, he calls those pro-choice movements as a "culture of death". He is also against contraceptive use (birth control methods).

All these (heavy - in my opinion) objections were presented and, even so, he was elected.

Well, let's see what is coming on. Actually, I haven't believed that Church still have such power as in the past, that it can change lots of things (for better)... but, we never know. At least, if doesn't mess and worsen it, it's already worthy. 

Tuesday 12 March 2013

fiftieth girls

Last year, it was announced that Mafalda would be turning 50 years old. An error. It will happen next year. Meanwhile, Mônica just turned 50 on 3rd March.

With no rivality (in this case), both represent their countries, Argentine and Brazil. However, Mafalda was braver, politic. Mônica was only one, when a dictatorial censorship settled down there... Maybe it could have assuaged her stories content, besides assuring her long life in newsstands, while Mafalda's publications ended in 1973 -  when she was age of nine, seven of them passed under the military dictatorship.

Five years ago, without any interruptions, the little toothy Brazilian grew up... Thus, nowadays there is also a teen version of her and and her gang. I don't know, though, if it was a good maturation changing its style for Manga...

I'm old school. I believe that we should not mess with a winning formula. Yet at the same time I recognize that youth has molted. Well, let's see... At least, they can help against bullying due to so much peculiarity in its characters.

Monday 11 March 2013


Couples mate and mesh for supporting each other.

Love, the strongest pillar... Immensurable lift.

Life is like this! Happy for building it together

Sunday 10 March 2013

travel is good for heart

I know. I'm very heatlhy and happy then! 

I love it and hope be in a trip soon...

Here, some of our destinations of dreams:


Giza, Egypt
Johannesburg, South Africa







Havana, Cuba
Central America



Athens, Greece

Barcelona, Spain
Berlin, Germany
Dublin, Ireland
Edinburgh, Scotland
Firth of Clyde, Scotland
Florence, Italy

Frankfurt, Germany
Glasgow, Scotland
Hamburg, Germany
Lisbon, Portugal
Liverpool, England
London, England

Milan, Spain
Moscow, Russia
Mykonos, Greece
Mykonos, Greece
Munich, Germany
Pisa, Italy
Porto, Portugal
Prague,  Czech Republic
Rome, Italy

Rotterdam , Netherlands
Venice, Italy
Versailles, France

North America

Alaska, USA
California, USA

Campeche, Mexico
Cancun, Mexico
La Paz, Mexico
Las Vegas, USA
Merida, Mexico
New Orleans, USA
New York, USA

Niagara Falls, CA
Progreso, Mexico

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Quintana Roo, Mexico
Toronto, CAVancouver, CA
Yucatan, Mexico
Yucatan, Mexico


New Zealand

South America

Andes, Chile
Amazon, Brazil
Buenos Aires, Argentine
Chuí, Brazil

Córdoba, Argentine
La Pedrera, Uruguay
Machu Picchu, Peru
Montevideo, Uruguay
Mount Roraima, Venezuela

Patagonia, Argentine
Punta del Este, Uruguay
Tierra del Fuego, Argentine


by Kurt Baumgartner, in Manitoba
Finally, these are some places in Canada we'll find Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights):

Athabasca Country, Alberta
Baie-James, Quebec
Canadian Rockies, British Columbia
Churchill, Manitoba
Dempster Highway, Yukon
Fermont, Quebec
Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Iqaluit, Nunavut
Labrador, Newfoundland and Labrador
Northern Saskatchewan
Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories
Whitehorse, Yukon
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Saturday 9 March 2013

Friday 8 March 2013

mais igualdade

São tantas as demandas que merecemos ser mais exigentes também.

Por que não?!

Feliz Dia Internacional da Mulher - para quem sabe o que quer.

Thursday 7 March 2013


Maybe because I'm getting old, becoming more mature and wise, then start to see things im a different way... Perhaps also inpired by some movies as Le Scaphandre et le Papillon, Amores Perros, among others we've watched. 

The fact is that, by now,  I strongly feel we should thank for being fine. Only this. In other words: not just realize while bad, sad, or sick, how both pleasant and great is being happy, having good health and peace of mind. Thus, praying heavily to heal as soon as possible, summoning all saints, God and nature.

Life might change so fast... we never know. So, I've thought about that, when well. Furthermore, I'm very grateful when I can smile freely, easily, with no pain, no ill(ness). And then, remind all of them (that are always there), spellbound by beauty of life, possibility of changes... as butterflies one.


Wednesday 6 March 2013

Tuesday 5 March 2013

mi adorable demonio

Bom, para começar, sinto-me um pouco como 'um peixe fora d'água' aqui na América do Norte, onde a (má) influência de um filtro estadunidense sobre a mídia em geral faz ecoar uma fama diabólica de Hugo Chávez.

Muitos comemoram por aqui. Estavam só aguardando o pior... Para outros tantos americanos/latinos (muitos mais, de fato), porém, esse foi um triste episódio para a luta - que continua, companheiros.

Estou triste com sua morte SIM. Afinal, ele foi para Venezuela fundamental na tomada do poder pela massa. Um pouco como o que Lula fez no Brasil. Chávez, embora militar, foi um dos nossos.

Sendo assim, quanto a essa imagem demoníaca que ele possui, faço a pergunta: ele é ruim para quem mesmo? Porque, na moral, de bicho-papão só tem medo criancinha ingênua e desinformada (algo, inclusive, cada vez mais raro num momento tão informatizado).

Claro que ele não foi um presidente perfeito. Aliás, existe algum? Difícil agradar a todos... Tudo dependende quando visto pelos intere$$es. Na realidade, os reais monstros da sociedade capitalista são bem outros...

Ficam agora justamente as dúvidas quanto à sua sucessão, ao futuro da oposição ao império ainda liderado pelos yankees.


Deixo aqui a minha homenagem ao homem que mudou o mundo, melhorando-o, como pode...

um governante solitário


entrou para a História

cagando para os Estados Unidos

Monday 4 March 2013

le secret

"Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé"

Savoir faire les bons choix - voici le chemin du bonheur.

Cette est une année qui promet...

Avec beaucoup d'amour ♥

Saturday 2 March 2013


It's kindly how we gain.

Goodness, truth, respect... 

Then, success!

The hit love overcomes all ill.

Every (single) problem will pass weaker... 

by us, together 

Friday 1 March 2013

vida que segue...

Aniversário  do Rio! 
(saudade dele e dos meus...)

Alegrias e decepções da vida. 

Medo, dúvida, dor...

Amor, fé, esperança. Outro recomeço.

Inspiração pra escrever. Desabafo...
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  • abrace seus amigos
  • acredite em si mesmo
  • ande mais com os pés descalços
  • antene-se
  • aplique o que você prega
  • assuma seus erros
  • beba mais água
  • beije na boca com vontade
  • conheça novas culturas
  • cuide-se com carinho
  • dance sem vergonha
  • diga mais 'sim' do que 'não'
  • durma bem
  • dê atenção às pessoas
  • entregue-se ao que ama
  • escreva cartas à mão
  • estude outras línguas
  • exerça a tolerância
  • exercite-se
  • fale e ouça mais 'obrigado'
  • faça muito amor
  • goze mais e melhor
  • leia mais livros
  • movimente-se
  • não limite seus sonhos
  • ouça musicas que te façam dançar
  • ouse
  • pense positivamente
  • permita-se
  • peça bis quando é bom
  • pratique o bem
  • prove diferentes sabores
  • renove-se
  • respeite a natureza e os mais velhos
  • reveja velhos conceitos
  • se beber, não ligue!
  • seja fiel, sincero e verdadeiro
  • siga a sua intuição
  • sinta o novo
  • sorria sempre que possível
  • subverta vez que outra
  • tenha calma
  • tire alguém para dançar
  • trabalhe com dedicação
  • use camisinha
  • vá mais ao cinema
  • viaje sempre
  • viva menos virtualmente

c'est fini!