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Friday 29 April 2011

'becoming a princess' school

People tend not to regard (or pretend they don't know) that there is a informal and not disclosed princesses' industry - evidenced recently as a consequence of the wedding of the year: the Prince William's. Similarly to the misses one, which transforms simple girls in sculptural ladies ready to win any beauty contest.

This is not to say that to became a real princess it is essentially necessary being physically perfect. At the same time that million of little girls dream to marry handsome men, other just want to have a comfort life beside a rich husband. Rather better, if he could be special, as a prince for example.

In contrast to this fact, another kind of women have studied on the top of working to succeed in their lives independently of who they are going to live with. Actually, every one knows what is the best to get a lucky strike. Or rather: what is ‘to score a hit’ in order to guarantee a good future… becoming a professional, getting married, or have children (not to say ‘heirs’…).

Then, it is not a mystery that there are lots of cunning climber lasses, crazy and excited to reach their (clever) goal. Frequenting strategic places, meeting certain type of people, being in contact with who can offer good possibilities, they are focussed in their objectives, taking all necessary measures.

Only in my friendships group I know at least two cases. Some of the knower Brazilian examples are Xuxa, Luciana Gimenez, Adriana Galisteu… or who forgot how they became famous? Lately, the Kate Middleton’s path is up. Even with all moral doubts about her, she runs the current show - by hook or by crook. 

It is impressing that usually those behaviour and way are not only supported but also taught by parents, relatives and friends of these gals. Moreover, sensationalistic media upholds it intensively since it sales very well celebrities news. Once it is approved, they have learned since they were children how to act, which are the necessaries to become a princess, a famous' wife, or a son’s well-known-name mother.

Romantic and chimerical men should be heedful about that, to avoid it. After all, it's easy to make mistakes... Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart (honest, while difficult to discern). In fact, after done, it’s no use crying over spilt milk.

side b bride  

Manners, traditions, disposition to go into a “fairy tale” life (or, for me a 'freak show' reality - considering paparazzi, invasion of privacy, hypocrisy etc.), those are some of the essential elements to became part of royalty.

I really don’t know if I would be happy without my freedom, with which I can say or do what I want (or which is necessary to be said/done by me). I’m against fake smiles, well-behaved wake of the hand, among other things, for instance.

I prefer somewhat as Kate Moss’ more informal (and junkie) behaviour. By the way, she is also getting married this year. I admit I prefer going to her wedding celebration than to the Catherine’s (new Kate's name from now) - that occurred today morning. I'm sure about that, as far as I’m concerned I'm a underground person.

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c'est fini!