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Thursday 28 April 2011

anything can happen

I haven’t seen “Rio” yet. I know it has a Brazilian plot, about our  animals and stuffs. For sure I’m seeing as soon as possible. After all, I’m curious! Nevertheless, I reckon it is almost impossible touch me so deeply as Wall-Edid.

Although the huge differences between both robots - one former, more antique and square, diverging from the other that has a high-tech design, rounder and cleaner; in addition not only of their skills and power but their diverse directrixes too, their love overcame these little ‘details’. Furthermore, all trouble they passed to save the plant and come back Earth was not enough to separate them.  

I confess I cried seeing feelings blooming inside him and Eve, while they figured out their sensitivities, dancing together, joining their mechanic hands, touching each other with their robotic types of fingers. I’m a silly girl, I admit: I believe in love at the first sight, even firstly from just one of the parts. Sometimes is necessary some time to happen reciprocally.

However it may be, hope springs eternal (on the movie, the little plant is a live proof of it - a real reason to believe!). Further: lonely, the small automaton used to have a workaholic daily routine amassing and stacking lots of garbage (besides collect interesting items) until know her… It said that good things come to those who wait. I think they are quite right.

Anything is possible.

hegemoniac things must come to an end too

Even the biggest empires such as Greek, Roman, along with the Mongolia and also the native peoples of South America (Incas, Mayas and Aztecas) succumbed. Since then, it’s impressive that their languages have spoken only locally nowadays - in Greek in Greece, Italian in Italy, Mongolian in Mongolia and some are not spoken anymore due to the genocide of that ethnic groups. 

Alternatively, England colonization’s effects can be seen (as well as heard) recently in many countries around the world - US, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zeeland, likewise some nations in Africa and in United Kingdom. In the same way, no one would dispute that Spain dominated culturally its colonies - giving rise to them speak Spanish until now. France (with Napoleon), Holland (with Vikings) and Portugal (with its navigations) have their “attached” over the continents.  

I’m pointing this politic reality at the same time I disagree with the misbehaviour adopted for these settlers. As far as I’m concerned it would be better if each place would have its own traditional idiom. On the other hand, though overcoming the local culture (in name of God and colonist kings too), some places keep their local dialects, even being background. India is a good example of that.

At these days, neither wars nor economic problems are delimitating factors for this kind of changes anymore. Once, I got to think that it will be possible the American English cross all borders due to the capitalism voracity, similarly to what happened earlier to Latin, which predominate as a scientific code throughout many centuries. Cycles... I really don’t know if, in the future, everybody will speak mandarin, for instance, but I don't doubt. As I finished the former text: everything is possible or ‘impossible is nothing’!

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c'est fini!