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Monday 2 May 2011

finally dead - who believes?

It was said today by Obama in his public televised speech at this dawn (in Brazil). However, as Thomas, the Apostle, I'll believe it only when I see it - pictures of the corpse in this case.

With a delay of 10 years to find him after the 11th September 2001 attacks, in addition of two wars begun using the excuse of being in name of the peace (ALSO! - because  pacifist aim was not the main reason since there is much petroil in many strategic places, of course!)… All this shit of hunt for Osama Bin Laden resulted in:

- 2.996 deaths (including the 19 hijackers and 2977 victims) in Twin Towers fall;


- 919.967 murders in both Afghanistan and Iraq since their occupations in 2001 and 2003, respectively;

Obviously, these last facts haven’t been free of costs. By the way, the amount already paid until now by USA for army expenses have been something around US$ - nunbers said by Chris Douglas-Roberts, a NBA basketball player, while was complaining about USA citizens celebrations of Osama's demise.

I suppose that Al Qaeda support money for any “terrorist” attack (as it is common called by USA and their allies, but clearly not the North American offensives…) haven’t reach so high peaks. Furthermore, their deadliest power is not so effective, then.

Lastly, and with no doubt, I can say that Osama is a myth. During a decade he left scot-free as a thorn in USA and their allies’ side. I got to believe that indeed he simply doesn't exist... that he was a caracther created as a 'Santa Claus' of the evil. Weighed against this the fact he is a martyr for many Islamic peoples. He is a kind of hero who fought until his last breath against the enemy.

Thus, I explain the inverted commas used above on TERRORIST word. After all, this is just a point of view. Not a mere, though. Unfortunately, our media uses yankee lens, focused against other objectives opposite to them. Nevertheless, they oddly threw the Al Qaeda leader body into the sea - saying that it was done to respect the Muslim traditions! - Since when they have started to do it? From now?

Alternatively, Obama is kinder and more tender than Bush (Further, now he has not only this merit but a quite good argument to improve his popularity and try a re-election). Albeit the present United States President is attending right now the stratum more extreme and conservative of their population… On the contrary of Osama, who has a similar name, while was representing the same kind of people that follow, respect and still believe in him.

So, it is exactly when the dangerous is more fatal: what are they going to do as a retaliation? More than anyone (Saddam included!), Bin Laden is even more perilous dead than alive. Let’s wait to see his afterlife influence… I sincerely hope to watch it only on television.

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c'est fini!