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Monday, 11 February 2013

go(o)d riddance, Pope!

But, WAIT... What a f*ck?! Is it possible?? He was supposed to perform in this function until the end of his days, wasn't he?!

And WHY he did it?! Well, propably the real reasons we'll never know. However, so much buzz inpired hilarious tweets on the net. My favorite theory is that he quit just in time to play in Star Wars new movie (photo).

another joke why the pope left
Anyway, I don't know exactly why I should be happy about that...

Firstly, maybe Renan Calheiros can inspire himself and resign too! If even a Pope is able to, why not a corrupt Brazilian politician?! People will love it!

Secondly, some church rules and old concepts may, FINALLY, change with another person in the power. The use of condoms, abortion (utopia!) and same-sex marriage, for example. Then, I wake up... 

Lastly, perhaps a different and audacious candidate will assume this important role. I've heard about the possibility of
the Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana - who would be the first black Pope... Cool! There are also some speculations about the Cardinal Marc Ouellet, a Quebecer. 

it's said that God is Brazilian, so... why not?!
Or, it would be great if someobe from Latin America (where live most part of Catholic believers) assume the position... Why not the Cardinal Leonardo Sandri from Argentine, or even (as it said that God is Brazilian) the Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, considering that Brazil has the largest number of Catholics in the world ?! 


Well, let's check out other (both funny and interesting) ideas we find online....

a cat for Pope!

David Bowie for Pope!

Keith Richards for Pope!

Ozzy Osbourne for Pope!

vote Inri Cristo for Pope!

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c'est fini!