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Thursday 11 October 2012

not that much smooth

To whom has thought Canada (in detail, Quebec) was a tranquil and serene place to live, I listed briefly some events I witnessed, which prove that it REALLY rocks in different aspects - for good or ill:

Hurricane Irene passed by here in August 2011;
Occupy Montreal resisted at Square Victoria more than a month last year;
Le Printemps Érable, how they call the period of students protests in Quebec this year, caused! Red squares, Bill 78, confrontations, violence... even the possibility of Montreal Grand Prix cancellation. Lastly, the inevitable happened: elections! People voted massively. Then, their Prime Minister was replaced as a democratical consequence of his own (unsatisfactory) administration. Without a doubt, a remarkable triumphe;

We watched live on 4th September night: Pauline Marois, the new Quebec Prime Minister, was abruptly dragged off stage during her victory speech (in which she was calling for unity). A man opened fire into the Metropolis, where she was speaking. This attack brought out "past" issues of sovereignty, once the felon was arrested claiming "The anglos are waking up". The shooting left one victim dead and a second in critical condition. At the theatre where tragedy happened; a benefit concert with local stars (as Celine Dion and Arcade Fire, among others) was offered for the daughter of Denis Blanchette (murdered). Donations were also collected for Dave Courage, the other man hit by the same bullet.

Charbonneau Commission scandalizes with strong allegations of illegal financing between Quebec Liberal Party and (Italian) Mafia.
Due to revelations of his implication, Montreal citizens ask their mayor, Gérald Tremblay, to resign immediately;

Another season off: NHL lockout desapoints hockey supporters this year. If some kind of soccer strike occurs in Brazil, I'm sure it would give rise to a huge civil war there (In this regard, Canadians are so civilized!);   

In the end of May, Luka Magnotta shocked the whole world with his brutal crime. He killed his boyfriend, Lin Jun. I frankly don't know what was the worst: the fact of dismembering the chinese student, or sendind parts of his body by mail - to the Conservative Party of Canada national office, and also to elementary schools in other provinces. Only in June, they finally found Jun's head in a park of Montreal. Well, if the goal of this mere model was be famous, he got it. Let's face it: as a shoody porno actor, he made an successful 'real thriller' (not his speciality). However, I wonder myself how he will enjoy his celebrity confined in a jail until his death... Not worth job, dude!;

A 4.5 Richter scale earthquake shaked Montreal area last night.

Well, it IS something, isn't?!  

On se souviendra!


911 turning 728

The classical police number is at a low... 728, instead, is on the wave crest nowadays. Actually, since the students protests occured last spring...

Cop n. 728, become famous by many videos showing her intolerant behavior to deal with people in general, not only rioters in upheaval. She pepper-sprayed broadly! 

Freshly, a new episode drew forth her! Once again, in an aggressive exchange captured on video. Watch a news reporting about here.

The worst, in my opinion, is her point of view, her both stiff ideas and conduct. Her unfortunate commentaries like "On a réussi à le menotter. Mais, pendant ce temps-là, tous les rats qui étaient dans l’appartement en haut, les gratteux de guitare, c’est toute des osti de carrés rouges. Des artistes osti. En tout cas, des mangeux de marde. Ils ont toute commencé à sortir de l’appartement, tsé" are wretched.

Stéfanie Trudeau, implied in more this case, drags attributtes of a violent person since school, according her ex classmates. Well, it's visible, evident, clear by seeing these videos. Hail current technology! (which permit people to record several occurrences).

After this event, Montreal police reputation was put in check. "Is this kind of police we want (and need) here?" - they called into question. At least, now, she was FINALLY suspended.

A site about her was even created. Check it out.

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c'est fini!