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Tuesday 29 November 2011

every Jack to his trade

While some learn how to  ride a bike or swim, others try not to slid on ice or snow. Me, who was born in a tropical country, I admit I’d never thought about that: the winter life, and its particularities (even being from the south of Brazil - where, in July or/and in August, the temperature is around 5°C - could for our Equatorial pattern).

Once living in a place where 0°C is normal in the Autumn (imagine the low winter marks…), I start to get know many things which before were completely left put in the cold - and seems inclusively a little bizarre to me… However, I’m now very interested in this kind of curiosities, everything that concerns my new (freezing) reality.

Joseph-Armand Bombardier, for example, had been a unknown name until this week, when a classmate presented a research about his life. Well, he was an important (Canadian - further: a Quebecer) man: he invented the ski-doo, which should be called ‘ski-dog’ (yes, with a G!), blame of a brochure typo…   

Locomotion as well as transportation are severely difficult on icy grounds. The snowmobiles he designed have been so utile next to the poles. With his creations, he turned life easier for millions of people - Santa Claus included. Time and distances changed after that.

Experiences… for one, jet skies; for others ski-doos. Necessity.

Wednesday 23 November 2011


À Montréal:

   de la neige 
+ de la bonne humeur 
= des gens qui viennent d'arriver

*Je suis contente (comme un enfant), je confesse. 

Sunday 20 November 2011

Saturday 19 November 2011


Not alone: the best one in the world.



In Montreal.

As John Lennon and Yoko Ono, 42 years ago...

Just wanting love and peace.

The ideal.

Thursday 17 November 2011


La première neige on n'oublie jamais!

Je suis contente!

Je me sens comme un enfant... je confesse.

Monday 14 November 2011


Non, il n'est pas le Jésus de Montréal (en fait, il joue Martin dans ce film là...). Cependant, c'est comme s'il l'était, étant donné qu'il est une figure si omniprésent! - au moins, pour le cinéma québecois.

Dehors d'ici, il est connu pour ces rôles (homonymes: Rémy!) en "Le Déclin de l'Empire Américain" (1986) et, principalment, en "Les Invasions Barbares" (2003), tous réalisés par Denys Arcand.

Rémy Girard est une entité. Genre. Il est partout, en s'agitssant de le septième art «
made in Quebec», ou même à la télé.

Sont 88 titres, selon IMDb. Grosse liste. Puis plusieurs pric Gémeaux et Génies. Une belle carrière.


Il me fait penser un peu à notre Sônia Braga au sommet des années 70. Ou même comme il sera (probablement) l'avenir de Wagner Moura, Selton Mello, João Miguel ou Dira Paes pour le cinéma au Brésil. 

Tant mieux, car on sera très bien representés.

Friday 11 November 2011

together, being only one

Somehow (or other), many things change when you, finally, find your better half. Being a couple requests from both a different behaviour. Inevitably. However, you are going to do that with pleasure, from your all heart, freely ('cause, when involved, it happens naturally, without any requirement - and with NO doubts!). Everything joins, fits, matchs… thoughts, wishs, needs, feelings.

Nobody's alone anymore: now it's "two-in-one"! A great union of part(ie)s and sides. At the same time, (and on the other hand), there is a consolidation of individual qualitys of both of you which fortifies the relationship once even the differences prove you get along perfectly. Thus, stronger, you can go far, wherever you want, besides being able to face anything.  

Together, during a (french) kiss you can experience it more intensely, or… why not while making love?! - the best thing to do by pairs, the intimatest one! Simple as that: there isn’t better place to be in the whole world than with your love, inside him (or vice versa), embraced, inseparable. This completes me.  

Ça c'est fort!

*Illustration: "Love is possible", by Brunobig Carneiro.

Thursday 10 November 2011

tous les jours

L'utilisation du ordinateur portable est une orgie! 

On fait des positions bizarres... entre autres plus intéressants, après... en couple, sans lui.

(dont la publication est malheureusement interdite)

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Monday 7 November 2011

too late

Past ghosts appear always at the wrong moment.

While single, they used to leave us in peace. On the other hand, when you are with someone else, they haunt.

Why they come? I have the impression that it's purposeful, maybe not even by them, but by circumstances... My theory: it's just to put us to the test, assessing our feelings, and focus.

Anyway, if they passed a long haul away, absent of our lives, things have changed since then. So, I wonder: Is it worth allow for them, making it real (again)?

I don't think so. After all, they had they time to make it happen before. Now, it's other's turn.

I'm not pushing my luck, putting it all on the line - not at all!

Friday 4 November 2011

pour un monde meilleur

La paix et l'amour... 

C'est beau.
Ce qui ne va pas très bien c'est la mauvaise odeur.

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  • abrace seus amigos
  • acredite em si mesmo
  • ande mais com os pés descalços
  • antene-se
  • aplique o que você prega
  • assuma seus erros
  • beba mais água
  • beije na boca com vontade
  • conheça novas culturas
  • cuide-se com carinho
  • dance sem vergonha
  • diga mais 'sim' do que 'não'
  • durma bem
  • dê atenção às pessoas
  • entregue-se ao que ama
  • escreva cartas à mão
  • estude outras línguas
  • exerça a tolerância
  • exercite-se
  • fale e ouça mais 'obrigado'
  • faça muito amor
  • goze mais e melhor
  • leia mais livros
  • movimente-se
  • não limite seus sonhos
  • ouça musicas que te façam dançar
  • ouse
  • pense positivamente
  • permita-se
  • peça bis quando é bom
  • pratique o bem
  • prove diferentes sabores
  • renove-se
  • respeite a natureza e os mais velhos
  • reveja velhos conceitos
  • se beber, não ligue!
  • seja fiel, sincero e verdadeiro
  • siga a sua intuição
  • sinta o novo
  • sorria sempre que possível
  • subverta vez que outra
  • tenha calma
  • tire alguém para dançar
  • trabalhe com dedicação
  • use camisinha
  • vá mais ao cinema
  • viaje sempre
  • viva menos virtualmente

c'est fini!